Abortion Issues

Understanding the Abortion Issue

If your goal is to convince others, you must first understand the facts and arm yourself with an array of conversational tools and techniques to engage someone on a frequently emotional (rather than logical) level. Helping that person to recognize and rationalize their own views is the key to changing their views. This resource page is to help you understand and communicate the issue with others.

Understanding Pregnancy And Fetal Development Understanding The Mechanics Of The Abortion Process Understanding The Economics Of The Abortion Industry Making the Argument Against Abortion Upcoming Ballot Initiative
2.Denies, restricts or interferes with an abortion after fetal viability that, in the good faith judgment of a treating health care professional, is necessary to protect the life or physical or mental health</> of the pregnant individual.
3.Penalizes any individual or entity for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual in exercising the individual’s right to abortion as provided in this section.B.For the purposes of this section:
1.“Compelling state interest” means a law, regulation, policy or practice that meets both of the following:

(a)Is enacted or adopted for the limited purpose of improving or maintaining the health of an individual seeking abortion care, consistent with accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine.

(b)Does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision making.
2.“Fetal viability” means the point in pregnancy when, in the good faith judgment of a treating health care professional and based on the particular facts of the case, there is a significant likelihood of the fetus’s sustained survival outside the uterus without the application of extraordinary medical measures.
3.“State” means this state, any agency of this state or any political subdivision of this state.

Dr. Joseph Bruner operating in utero on a 22 week old baby when the child reaches out to grab his finger. Can anyone doubt that this is a human child, separate and distinct from the body of the mother?
According to the proposed Constitutional Amendment (below) this 22 week old child does NOT have a right to life if the mother chooses abortion.

Pregnancy Week-By-Week
Mama Natural Youtube channel produced an animated week-by-week overview of a baby’s development

From Fertilization to Birth
Dandelion Medical Animation Youtube channel produced a more detailed scientific and mechanistic explanation of how fertilization and implantation occur

Abortion Doctors Share How The Most Common Abortion Procedures Take Place

The mission of Live Action Rumble channel is to teach the public about the humanity of the preborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless.

4 Doctors who have performed hundreds or even thousands of abortions explain the abortion process, the risks, and why they are now pro-life.

Prager Videos
What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood
What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood is 5 minute video about Planned Parenthood deceptions.

Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts
Undercover footage of Planned Parenthood talking to a potential buyer of aborted baby parts. Posted by Center for Medical Progress and prosecuted for 10 years by Kamala Harris, then CA AG.

What is it?
Living Waters released a 57 minute “man on the street” interview style video that challenges people to think about the act of abortion if they are not absolutely sure if it is a human being inside.
“.. as long as we teach children that it is OK to kill children in the womb, we’ll never convince them that it’s wrong to kill children in the classroom..”

4 basic arguments against “personhood”: 1) Size, 2) Level of Development, 3) Environment (location), 4)Degree of Dependency

3 basic arguments against abortion: 1) Murder of innocent human beings is always wrong, 2) Abortion is the murder of innocent human beings, therefore 3) abortion is always wrong

Is Abortion Moral? 
Prager U 5 minute video The Most Important Question About Abortion about whether abortion is moral.  Does not “Appeal to Authority”.

Why Smart People
Believe Stupid Things

Discussions with people on this issue will frequently cause you to wonder “.. how could someone so smart believe this?” Here is a video to help give you perspective.

After Skool Youtube channel produces many great videos to help us understand ourselves and others.

Women Speak Out
Maria Birnbaum presentation to Arizona LD12 on behalf of Women Speak Out and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

The harrowing true story of a young woman’s rise from a Planned Parenthood volunteer to clinic director, then her awakening to become pro-life.
Streamed on TUBI
Abortion Amendment filing The Ballot Inititiative to amend the Arizona Constitution to guarantee the “Right to Murder” up until the live birth of the child.
It Goes Too Far!  It Goes Too Far! In an effort to expand abortion, the proposed abortion amendment makes it unsafe for girls and women. It eliminates long-standing, commonsense safeguards as well as reasonable safety standards at abortion clinics, and it threatens parental rights .
And What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary? — hint: 0%

8.1. Fundamental right to abortion; definitions

1.Denies, restricts or interferes with that right before fetal viability unless justified by a compelling state interest that is achieved by the least restrictive means.

A. Every individual has a fundamental right to abortion, and the state shall not enact, adopt or enforce any law, regulation, policy or practice that does any of the following:

According to the NAIC: “Health care professional” means a physician or other health care practitioner licensed, accredited or certified to perform specified health care services consistent with state law. (Page 7, letter X)
Does this mean that an RN, chiropractor, or physical therapist counts as a Health Care Professional?
Resource Groups
AZ Right To Life
 Founded in 1974, The mission of the Arizona Right to Life is to protect and defend the lives of all persons born and pre-born through the support of Life-affirming legislation and pro-life candidates.

Human Life International
Library of resources and articles on Abortion, Birth Control, End-of-Life, Family-LGBT issues etc. Also have an ebook: Planned Parenthood Under The Surface — the shocking backstory of “Womens Health Care” as a racist eugenics program.
TurningPoint USA
 Library of articles, videos aimed at high school and college ages
2016 National Platform
 Republican National Committee Platform – 2016
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