LD12 March 2024 Meeting

In addition to our We the People program, campaign season continues with much time allocated to candidates, PC paperwork, the upcoming State Delegates election and another session with Michele Swinick showing additional historical Maricopa election documents with major compliance issues.  This event was very well attended.

Chair Greg Dutton talks about the LD12 State Delegates Election on 27 March and the State Convention on 27 April.

Craig Berland (MCRC Chair and LD12 PC) provided State Delegate information. 


Carol Wilson explains some of the details about the hand count at the 27 March LD12 meeting.


Pot Luck decorating party was announced to work on our float for the Ahwatukee Spring Fling Easter Parade.  Contact Steve Black for more information.

PCs signature forms were discussed and collected to facilitate easier submission to the county.   If you have not completed yours, make sure you read the paperwork for submission as an appointment at the county is required.


You must request a ballot for the upcoming SRP election. (2 April is the final SRP Day to hand carry your ballot – order now in order to mail early).


The attendees were allowed time during the meeting to identify and sign candidate forms.  This gave candidates the maximum benefit of attending our meeting with a short microphone introduction to make sure attendees knew what office each was running for in order not to inadvertently sign for a candidate not in their area.  (Kelly Cooper for US Rep. CD4 )


Christy Kelly for Arizona Corporation Commission.



Russ Rowland for Kyrene School Board.




Dr. Zuhdi Jasser for CD4 U.S. Representative for Congress. View Video


Christy Kelly for Arizona Corporation Commission.   View video


Rene Lopez for AZ Corporation Commission – View Video


Michele Swinick provides Maricopa County documents showing past election practices that gave concerns to many including those planning to work the voting centers during the PPE.

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